Friday, January 14, 2011



Well it’s that time of the year when all the festivities are over, the season of over indulgence on all levels has taken its toll, its back to work, and with January and February to get through, before even a glimpse of spring, its quite possibly the WORST time of the year for those of us susceptible to feeling those winter blues.

Well lets not fester in our festive hangover I say, my way to tackle this horrid time of the year is to write down a list of everything I am really look forward too, or simply things that make me laugh or smile……… I promise you it works every time!

Call it damage limitation, but on a psychological front, it certainly gets that smile back on my dial, although I admit, I would prefer to fast forward the next three months.

But one must be proactive when suffering from S.A.D (seasonal affected disorder) , the total lack of sunshine equally matched by the serious lack of funds after the December blow out!!

But hey, here are some things that keep me going and make me feel good about my gloomy predicament right now; I hope they make you feel happy too….

And honestly…get a note pad and pen, it’s a fun therapeutic exercise and one I can guarantee will at least, take the edge off those horrible winter blues and provide a  light ( albeit a psychological one ) at the end of a very dark, cold and gloomy tunnel!!

  1. The New SS11 collection that are about to start hitting the stores
  2. The shortest day has come and gone and the days are getting longer – hello summer!
  3. All my summer 11 personal orders that will start to arrive  from my favourite designers such as TataNaka, Hermione de Paula and Mawi
  4. My beautiful Devon Rex kitten Barnie
  5. Summer vacations in hot climates!
  6. My new pasta making machine
  7. Hermione de Paula collaboration with Nicholas Kirkwood
  8. Daffodils in the spring
  9. Picnics in the Park
  10. Summer festivals

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